Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mom was fastidiously showing us what a perfectly cane-pruned vine looks like. OK, we get it!

And then she had Alfredo prune a vine for us to learn how it's done. We probably could do it!

These days of beautiful weather in the Russian River Valley and Sonoma Coast have been very helpful for pruning!  Not much goes on in the vineyard except for pruning at this time, really.

But the downside is that, if the warm weather continues, the vines will get the message that spring is here and bud break will start earlier than it should -- which will make early frosts much riskier.

On a more fun subject than pruning, we played an important role at Mom's New Year's party in Sausalito last Saturday, when we also celebrated Cristina's 22nd birthday.  We entertained the guests, who were (for the most part) delighted with our company.  Some of them gave us food, imagine! 

We loved the chocolate cake...  although Bonita had a pretty tough time dealing with it during the night. Oh well, it was worth it.

We were an integral part of our New Year's party! In the balmy night, from the deck we could watch the beautiful moon and the San Francisco skyline.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Having a vball at Stinson Beach...
Having a vball at Stinson Beach...

Swimming in the pool with Cooper -- in the middle of December! That's not a bad jump, huh??
Swimming in the pool with Cooper -- in the middle of December! That's not a bad jump, huh??
We had quite a good time while Mom and Cristina were in Spain!  We stayed with our buddy Cooper and his Mom, Susan -- they're always lots of fun!