Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The pruning is all done, and just in time since the buds are starting to push.  The vines seem to be a little late waking up from their dormancy, but we're not worried yet. The rains this week should not affect budbreak - but we sure would like for the weather to be sunny and dry for a while after next week! 

The Albariño vines are about to be pruned - with a new pruning system!  Meanwhile, we loved running among themThis is another vineyard with the new pruning system we will have for the Albariño this year. It allows better aeration and less direct sun exposure
Yesterday we went to visit a vineyard in Alexander Valley to see a new pruning system that we are planning to put in place in our Albariño block. It was very interesting! The vine shoots are trained on either side of the cordon like a V, so it results in a divided vertical canopy that allows better aeration, while preventing direct sun exposure and possible sunburn.

We listened attentively while Zach and Ventura discussed the new trellis system we are about to set up in the Albariño block

We also inspected the compost piles and found that Nature had helped by having grass and greenery grow on them!  Now we will turn the piles (yum! We love that...) and incorporate it all together