Pruning is almost done, just on schedule!
One good thing about the lack of rain (about the only one, we hear) is that the pruning has continued almost non-stop, so we're right on schedule. And the vineyard team has done a terrific job! We feel bad for them on the cold days -- they don't have, like we do, a natural fur coat! But they do bundle up pretty good. Except for their fingers, which they need when they tie the canes to the wires; that they need bare hands to do.
Did you know the difference between moles and gophers? We just learned about it from Zach, our viticulturist: moles are blind and only push the earth up, but don't eat the roots so they're not damaging to the vines. Gophers, on the other hand, are really bad guys -- they devour vines! It's so sad to find from time to time a vine that's totally dried up and dead - the work of a gopher. Since we're organic, we cannot use poison (and we wouldn' want to -- that's not good for puppies!!) so we set lots of traps and we catch quite a few of them. And we also have built owl houses, which attract the barn owls; gophers are their favorite meal, thankfully!